Tech 21 GED-2112 bass preamp review by Premier Guitar
Ο προενισχυτής μπάσου GED-2112 που παρουσίασε η έμπειρη εταιρεία Tech 21 σε συνεργασία με τον γνωστό μπασίστα Geddy Lee του συγκροτήματος Rush, συνεχίζει να κερδίζει τις εντυπώσεις με την υψηλή ποιότητα του.
Ο Jon Botton, συντάκτης του περιοδικού Premier Guitar, εξέτασε αναλυτικά τον προενισχυτή ηλεκτρικού μπάσου Tech 21 GED-2112. Ξεχώρισε το πλήρως αναλογικό σήμα του προενισχυτή, σε συνδυασμό με τους πολύ ωραίους ήχους ενισχυτή που μπορεί να προσφέρει. Και όπως πολύ σωστά παρατήρησε, πρόκειται για ένα προενισχυτή που αξίζει να υπάρχει σε ένα studio ηχογραφήσεων αντί να προσπαθεί κάποιος να φτιάξει τον ήχο του με plugins.
Διαβάστε την κριτική του περιοδικού για τον προενισχυτή GED-2112 της Tech 21:
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
Thank you for visiting and a pleasure to serve you in the best of our ability. “Expected” means: the item is already on order, with a waiting period of, approximately, 2 to 8 weeks, depending on our next importation and/or our supplier’s availability.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
Thank you for visiting and a pleasure to serve you in the best of our ability. “Expected” means: the item is already on order, with a waiting period of, approximately, 2 to 8 weeks, depending on our next importation and/or our supplier’s availability.
Thank you for visiting and a pleasure to serve you in the best of our ability. “Expected” means: the item is already on order, with a waiting period of, approximately, 2 to 8 weeks, depending on our next importation and/or our supplier’s availability.