Fishman Fluence Open Core Classic Humbucker pickups
Η εταιρεία Fishman έχει πολύ μεγάλη εμπειρία σε θέματα σχεδιασμού και παραγωγής μαγνητών μουσικών οργάνων. Η πρωτοποριακή σειρά μαγνητών Fluence, που συνεχίζει να εμπλουτίζει, προσφέρει σε κάθε κιθαρίστα ήχο πλήρως απαλλαγμένο από θορύβους, βουητά και ενοχλητικά προβλήματα επαγωγής, τα οποία παρουσιάζονται ακόμα και στους πιο δημοφιλείς μαγνήτες τύπου wire-wound. Για αυτό το λόγο η σειρά Fluence δίνει τη δυνατότητα σε κάθε οργανοποιό και μουσικό να έχει τον καθαρό και αυθεντικό ήχο του μουσικού οργάνου.
Οι μαγνήτες ηλεκτρικής κιθάρας Fluence Classic Humbucker της Fishman προσφέρονται πλέον από την εταιρεία και στο μοντέλο Open Core, με το δημοφιλές σχέδιο του ακάλυπτου humbucker, σε εκδόσεις για ηλετρικές κιθάρες με 6, 7 και 8 χορδές. Οι μαγνήτες ηλεκτρικής κιθάρας Fluence Classic Humbucker διαθέτουν επίσης ένα νέο ήχο με την αυθεντική Single Coil χροιά που μόνο η τεχνολογία Fluence της Fishman μπορεί να προσφέρει.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
Thank you for visiting and a pleasure to serve you in the best of our ability. “Expected” means: the item is already on order, with a waiting period of, approximately, 2 to 8 weeks, depending on our next importation and/or our supplier’s availability.
Thank you for visiting and a pleasure to serve you in the best of our ability. “Expected” means: the item is already on order, with a waiting period of, approximately, 2 to 8 weeks, depending on our next importation and/or our supplier’s availability.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
A set of 2 Fishman Fluence Modern Humbucker Pickups in Black Plastic
Thank you for visiting and a pleasure to serve you in the best of our ability. “Expected” means: the item is already on order, with a waiting period of, approximately, 2 to 8 weeks, depending on our next importation and/or our supplier’s availability.
“Available” means “ready to pick up or shipped within 24-48 hours”, with the exception of human error, in which case the customer is notified and receives a full refund.
Thank you for visiting and a pleasure to serve you in the best of our ability. “Expected” means: the item is already on order, with a waiting period of, approximately, 2 to 8 weeks, depending on our next importation and/or our supplier’s availability.